Support Competitive Energy Rates

Connecticut’s Millstone Power Station could be at risk of closure, like other nuclear plants in the northeast, due to challenges in the energy market – the electricity it produces is bought and sold by “middlemen,” which in turn drives up prices for consumers like you. But the state legislature has the opportunity to change this by creating a more competitive environment to reduce rates and help consumers.

It is time for Connecticut’s legislature to level the playing field for all energy sources in the state, including nuclear power. Competition is good for Millstone and good for all energy consumers. 

Millstone produces the equivalent of half of the state’s energy and more than 90 percent of its carbon free electricity, contributes $1.5 billion to economic activity across our state, and provides almost 4,000 jobs. We must make our voices heard and ensure that legislation is introduced, otherwise we risk losing many of the economic and environmental benefits that Millstone affords the state. 

We need your URGENT action! The public commenting period is only open until Tuesday, February 7, 2017, so there isn’t a lot of time. We’re collecting submissions to send to the Connecticut legislature. Submit your comment below and tell our state’s legislators to support competitive rates and reliable, affordable and carbon-free energy production!

  • Amanda Maguire
    commented 2017-02-07 20:00:18 -0500
    The Millstone Nuclear Power Plant is very important to the state of Connecticut, and the state should help ensure that this plant stays open! Not only does it provide over half of the energy in CT, it also provides many jobs in the state, and greatly supports the state’s economy. Finally, nuclear power is a major source of carbon-free energy and is vital to fighting climate change and protecting our environment. Every effort should be made to keep Millstone open!
  • Sean Bucher
    commented 2017-02-07 12:38:11 -0500

    “Clean nuclear power is the obvious solution to the energy needs of Connecticut residents. I’m a strong supporter of continued growth in this sector. Talented American engineers have designed the next generation of safe nuclear power plants. We should promote the continued safe operation of Millstone, and encourage the introduction of latest technology, which has so much to offer. " – Christopher Kokis
  • Francis Seymore
    commented 2017-02-06 16:06:07 -0500
    If Connecticut is going to intervene in the electric power markets, paying subsidies for “clean and renewable” power at exorbitant rates, then Connecticut should certainly be willing to support the one power source that represents 90% of the carbon-free electricity in the state – nuclear power and the Millstone Station. If this isn’t done, the result will not be more “clean and renewable” power, but more gas-fired turbines. And the state (as well as New England) is already constrained in natural gas supplies. The examples set by New York and Illinois legislatures should be a model for Hartford. If you’re serious about reducing carbon output, then you have to support nuclear power wholeheartedly; if not, stop all the subsidies for solar and wind facilities.
  • Amanda Lang
    commented 2017-02-02 09:55:10 -0500
    Millstone produces the equivalent of half of Connecticut’s energy and more than 90 percent of its carbon free electricity, contributes $1.5 billion to economic activity across the state, and provides almost 4,000 jobs. Go green, go nuclear!
  • Joseph Fougere
    commented 2017-02-02 08:59:46 -0500
    Connecticut needs the safe, carbon-free electricity produced by the Millstone Nuclear Plants. I urge you to put forth and pass legislation that would allow Dominion to sell the electricity produced by Millstone directly to Eversource and remove the middleman.
  • Paul Barron
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-02-02 06:19:55 -0500
    Tell the Connecticut legislature to support competitive rates and reliable, affordable & carbon-free energy production!
  • Paul Barron
    commented 2017-02-02 06:17:22 -0500
    Thank you for some Sanity President John F Kennedy said that the only problem with nuclear power was I was we going to charge it because it was so inexpensive to create we should not only keep Millstone open we should be planning more nuclear power plants and joined the modern world
  • Christopher Kokis
    commented 2017-02-01 17:23:04 -0500
    Clean nuclear power is the obvious solution to the energy needs of Connecticut residents. I’m a strong supporter of continued growth in this sector. Talented American engineers have designed the next generation of safe nuclear power plants. We should promote the continued safe operation of Millstone, and encourage the introduction of latest technology, which has so much to offer.
  • Stephanie Stouffer
    published this page 2017-02-01 16:36:57 -0500

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